Hello Airline Tycoon Fans,
Since I noticed in the last few months that many users with Airline Tycoon Evolution or Deluxe on Windows 8 or 8.1 and 10 have problems, i have created this thread here.
Here is explained what you can make, so that you can play Airline Tycoon Evolution or Deluxe without any problems.
One in advance I own Windows 7 64-bit.
I am writing here only solutions, that helped other users here in the forum.
I can not guarantee that everything works 100%, especially with Windows 10. You should also consider, now the game is also very old, was originally developed for Windows 98.
For Windows 8 or 8.1 users
Most people play Airline Tycoon under Win 8 or 8.1, had to find that the game lags.
To avoid this, there are two different variations.
The first would be the window mode which takes a little longer, also goes a little more difficult.
The second variant, would be the file fix, this goes much easier, closer to this can be found below.
1. The window mode
To play Airline Tycoon Evolution or Deluxe in window mode you have to run the color depth to 16 bit. ("middle" 16-bit color depth)
Then you should create a shortcut from AT.EXE.
In the line "Target" you should find ... Airline Tycoon - Deluxe \ At.exe ".
Behind at.exe "write simple /window.
The game should now start in window mode and the annoying lags is gone.
For Windows 8 / 8.1 and Windows 10 users
In the last few months, I often had to find that the Win 10 players have problems with the text in the game. They are simply not displayed.
How to fix this problem I explain with the second variant.
2. The file fix
This variant is much easier and more recommendable.
First download the atdfix.rar from the user Karl214 from this link: http://www.airline-tycoon.com/viewtopic ... 2&start=10
Now look for the game directory of Airline Tycoon Evolution or Deluxe, where you have your game installed.
For players, with the retail version you should find the game under:
Airline Tycoon Evolution -> "C:\Program Files (x86)\Monte Cristo\ Airline Tycoon Evolution\
Airline Tycoon Deluxe -> "C:\Program Files (x86)\Airline Tycoon - Deluxe
For the players who are playing Airline Tycoon with Steam you should find it under "C:\Program Files (x86)\ Steam\ steamapps\ common\ Airline Tycoon Deluxe"
Unpack the atdfix.rar file. Add the unpacked files to your game directory.
In addition, you can click on the AT.exe right click Properties -> Compatibility and select Windows 98 / ME or Windows XP.
Now the game should work.
Have fun with Airline Tycoon.
Fix for compatibility issues under Win 8 / 8.1 and 10
- Fisico9798
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